Rip Blu-ray Movies | An Overview

To rip a blu-ray movie, you have to get past the most digital copy protection ever included in a consumer product. With that in mind, why rip a blu-ray movie?

Let me state that I am against piracy, whether it is renting and ripping using Netflix or downloading from the internet. I do support buying cheap or even used blu-ray movies.

For me, the goal is to have a digital jukebox of all my content. Right now I am running a Window 7 computer as a media hub for all of my movies and music. Watching a 1080p movie without having to insert a disc is truly a pleasure.

The easiest way to rip a blu-ray is to use AnyDVD HD. It is expensive but it is also totally worth it. Content protection constantly evolves regarding blu-rays. AnyDVD HD is regularly updated to address these changes. Once your movies are on your hard drive, you have choices to make. You can use a blu-ray software player like Arsoft’s Total Media Theater or you can convert the movie to MKV. I personally prefer the MKV solution using this guide from